So according to my fancy little ticker at right, baby is the size of a squash. At 31 weeks, 6 days, I've grown a belly that would certainly contain a squash and a little more. I walked into Starbucks this afternoon and was immediately received by a fellow customer shouting at me, "How much longer you got?!?". Then her three year old paused terrorizing the place to hug my leg. On one hand, I know I look big enough to deliver, but experience and pregnancy books tell me I've got more room to grow. But thanks, lady, for implying that I'm fat.
Another routine appointment in the books today, included the doctor saying that while I am still measuring ahead, I'm showing signs of a plateau, albeit temporary. While I previously was measuring multiple weeks ahead, I'm now only one week ahead. Even better, that matched the measurements on my ultra sound from two weeks ago. Speaking of the ultrasound, Dr. Williams said everything (baby, uterus, and especially my placenta) appeared to be near perfect condition for this stage in pregnancy. More good news!
We finally had "the talk" about delivery dates, which consisted of maybe three sentences between us. The doctor needs to confirm with Labor & Delivery that there's room for us and will let me know soon. It's a little hard to imagine working up until my delivery date, which would be better for our budget. I am certain that my exhaustion I already experience daily will only feel amplified.
Coming up:
- Waiting for confirmation from the doctor regarding dates, then making plans with Jeff as to how the first few days might look.
- I need to register with the hospital.
- Next appointment is Monday, August 26th.
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