I hate to admit it but I haven't taken as many pictures recently. Between my phone and my camera, there are just a few of Andrew and a few of Nathan. Well, to be entirely honest there are bursts of camera action where I took 6 or 8 different versions of this shot:
Followed by 4 or 5 of this moment:
And so on. When the thought to take pictures does strike, I like to play with angles and filters that are on my cell. Then, before you know it, I've been so caught up in daily life, I haven't taken too many pictures. Note to self: take more pictures. Every day. Because every day is worth capturing.
Andrew is now over six months and learning so many new things! He can roll from his back to his belly and back again. Which is making bedtime problematic as he rolls over and then wakes himself up. Frequently, when he's crying in the night now, it's simply that he rolled over. He can sit up fairly well on his own, but sometimes still tumbles forward or backward. He has mastered the art of removing one's own sock as well.
He often eats two "meals" a day: a little baby oatmeal for breakfast and some pureed fruits or vegetables in the afternoon. Some days he refuses to eat and wants just milk and other days he'll refuse the bottles and just eat. Either way, he is perfectly happy to nurse with me. Andrew, like his father, seems to have a distaste for peas. Then again, I love peas and wouldn't dare eat them all mashed up.
Given his four month appointment was delayed, his six month one is as well. We'll next see the doctor in a month at seven months old. I'd estimate Andrew is still just over 20 pounds and I swear he's almost ready for 18 month sized clothes (or pants at least; he needs a little more room in the waistband). He has mostly worn Nathan's hand me downs so far, which has worked out seasonally. Lately, every time I buy him something new, he seems to instantly be ready for the next size and can only wear the new item once or twice.
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