Nathan's Favorite Books: Part II
Nathan loves to read books. Most of the time he gets hooked on just a few and we read them over and over and over. We have a ton of books for him, and we read to him daily. He gets to pick out two before bed each night, but somehow he can usually talk dad into at least three. Here are a few of his current favorites.
How to Babysit a Grandpa
by Jean Reagan

Currently Nathan asks us to read this book every night before he goes to bed. His favorite parts are the very beginning where he knows that when Grandpa first comes step one is to HIDE and be very quiet. He also is very good at the last step which is also the hardest, saying goodbye. Nathan knows that you, "give a hug and a kiss, a hug and a kiss, a hug and a kiss," before grandpa leaves.
This was one of Nathan's favorite books, but seems to be getting left behind. Considering it is a Christmas book, that seems appropriate. The book starts by giving examples of what dinos do that is not appropriate behavior. Nathan loves to say, "Bad Dinosaur," or "Uh Oh! That's not good," as the book points out the misbehaving dinos. Of course then the second half is sure to contrast the first and give examples of good dino behavior. Nathan picked up on the cue that dines clean their plates and put away their dishes and now when asked he will clean up his plates with a bit of help. The book is full of great illustrations and what appears to correct and accurate pictures of many dinosaurs. The illustrations have feathers on the dinosaurs and all are very brightly colored. Without doing any research I assume they more accurate than the countless children's books that simply have a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Triceratops and a Brontosaurus.
Nathan loves both of these books, both with the same title, but by different authors. Both books have very similar stories and themes. Nathan currently reads one each night before he goes to bed each night. We usually start by reading the title, "I'm a Big Brother," and then I ask him, "Who is a big brother?" Nathan responds, "Nana" (this is how he says Nathan). Then I say, "Who else is a big brother?" and Nathan responds, "Daddy." Then I ask if Momma is a big brother and Nathan says, "Nooooo! Momma big sister!"
The copy by Ronne Randall is written in such a way that it is easy to replace names and use Nathan and Andrew instead of baby or the other name. That makes it a pretty fun read. Nathan also will run and go get the book whenever Andrew is crying and turn to the page that talks about how daddy always says that when baby cries he is trying to tell us something. It is really cute. This morning Nathan ran and got the Jeanna Cole edition and asked to read it with Andrew. He held Andrew up on the couch while I read the book to both boys.
How to Babysit a Grandpa
by Jean Reagan
This is a really cute book that Nathan received from his Grandpa for Christmas. It has great pictures and Nathan loves to point out the next steps in a successful babysitting adventure with Grandpa. Now if we can just convince either grandpa to actually babysit (just kidding they both do a great job, and I am sure are just waiting for potty training to be complete before they dive in for extended adventures).

Currently Nathan asks us to read this book every night before he goes to bed. His favorite parts are the very beginning where he knows that when Grandpa first comes step one is to HIDE and be very quiet. He also is very good at the last step which is also the hardest, saying goodbye. Nathan knows that you, "give a hug and a kiss, a hug and a kiss, a hug and a kiss," before grandpa leaves.

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