Andrew is three months old and starting to become his own little person. He smiles and giggles easily, showing off his gummy milk teeth. When he's upset, he is quicker to become worked up and scream than I remember with Nathan. He dislikes tummy time as much as Nathan did, and lets us know by planting his face on the floor, waving his arms and legs and screaming.
He loves to prove how strong his legs are (which he did in my belly, too) by locking his knees and letting us hold him gently in a standing position. Andrew can hold his head pretty well, as well. In general, his preference is to be held upright or seated in a lap to watch the world go by. His current objective in life seems to be putting his hand in his mouth, grunting loudly with his efforts.
Andrew survived a lengthy cold this month, which he was generous enough to share with Grandpa Murray and myself. His cold did lead to another Davolt family trip to the ER as his breathing was become more labored. Thankfully, he was all smiles during our visit and several of the nurses and staff commented that he was too smiley to be sick.
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