As a fairly new parent you often look for bits of wisdom from those with more experience. Most of the time these fall into pretty standard parenting cliches. "They grow up so fast," "Blink and you'll miss it," "Just wait till he's older," "Your life will never be the same."
One I often hear is some derivative of, "Every stage is precious, just enjoy the now." Or something to the fact that every stage of a child's development brings some sort of new equally wonderful parenting experience. And while I appreciate the advice and the sentiment, count me a skeptic. I just can't imagine how any stage could be better than the current stage that Nathan is in. So yes this is just a blog involving my bragging about how great Nathan is. He may really be the cutest kid alive. (If you don't want to take my word for it, just ask his Auntie Jenny)
Nathan is 20 months old, he is walking just fine, but just learning to run. He tries to run, but really just toddles slightly out of control before falling down. Nathan has a very limited vocabulary, he knows "Momma" and "Dadda" quite well, and when in just the right mood, will sneak up on you and in the cutest voice imaginable say "Hellwo." Despite not talking much he can definitely communicate and understands plenty. He is beginning to explore and try new things. This is both a blessing and a curse, but as long as he doesn't break anything or get hurt, it mostly leads to just adorableness.
Nathan is starting to realize what he wants and is willing to go to great lengths to achieve it. The last few evenings he has decided that he really wants the entire family to hang out in his closet with the door shut. To do this he has to drag his full laundry basket out of the closet first, and then somehow convince or shove both mom and dad into this confined space. He then spends about 15-20 minutes just opening and shutting the door. If any family member tries to leave, he will quickly get behind you and attempt to push you back in the closet. Dad thought it would fun to use the flashlight app on his phone to have a little mini dance party in the dark closet, but Nathan was not quite thrilled with this idea.
Nathan also loves fans. The moment he enters Mom and Dad's room he just points at the switch to the ceiling fan asking to turn it on. Maybe the only way he will cuddle with you is if you turn on the fan and then lay down on the bed with him on top of you and stare at the fan. He is equally insistent to turn the fan on and then thrilled when it is finally switched on.
I am trying to just embrace and experience every little bit of this stage, as I just can't fathom anything being quite so wonderful as the current stage that Nathan is in. (Yes even with having to change diapers, it still seems that this must be the pinnacle of parenthood) We took tons of pictures when Nathan was a baby, but definitely slowed down since then. I am attempting to consciously take more pictures and video to document and remember every little detail of the wonderfulness that is this stage of Nathan's development, I am afraid that too soon I will have to make tough parenting decisions and Nathan will grow more disagreeable. I can only hope that all those more experienced parents are right when they say each stage has its highlights. Until I gain that experience call me a skeptic. Check out the pictures below and decide for yourself if you agree that Nathan most certainly is the cutest kid alive.
Nathan woke up one day from a nap with two pacifiers in his mouth. |
One day he decided to take a seat right in the middle of the fridge. |
We went to the Oregon Zoo, and he just loved the Cheetahs. He would run back and forth and follow them all over laughing and smiling the entire time. |
Nathan love's to sit on your lap and read a book with you. |
Nathan is really starting to like to play outside. We often go for walks to check out the "Duck, Ducks" at the pond, and no matter the temperature, it is always difficult getting Nathan to return inside. |
I just like this one, because he is in a Dodge Charger, just like his Daddy drives.
(well, his Dad's does not have the flashing lights and siren, those just like to give Daddy tickets) |
Nathan likes to put on bigger shoes and attempt to walk around. Most of the time they seem to be his mothers shoes.
Nathan recently discovered his pockets and now occasionally shoves his hands deep in his pockets just to look cool. |
Clearly, I am still behind on my picture taking and I really need to figure out how to post a video to the blog. There are so many details, little quirks that I am afraid I will forget with time. So many little things you only notice with time. So many I want to share with all our friends and family. We'd love to share more of Nathan's cuteness with you in our new house in Battle Ground. While we don't have everything unpacked and we still have empty rooms and walls without decor, we have plenty of space and would love visitors; for dinner, for the night or a long weekend. Come see this cute kid, before he grows up and starts looking like his dad.
I enjoyed your post, however I must say you did have a typo when you referred to the Dodge Charger as "giving" you tickets. I think the correct verbage has something to do with "earning" your tickets.