As a fairly new parent you often look for bits of wisdom from those with more experience. Most of the time these fall into pretty standard parenting cliches. "They grow up so fast," "Blink and you'll miss it," "Just wait till he's older," "Your life will never be the same." One I often hear is some derivative of, "Every stage is precious, just enjoy the now." Or something to the fact that every stage of a child's development brings some sort of new equally wonderful parenting experience. And while I appreciate the advice and the sentiment, count me a skeptic. I just can't imagine how any stage could be better than the current stage that Nathan is in. So yes this is just a blog involving my bragging about how great Nathan is. He may really be the cutest kid alive. (If you don't want to take my word for it, just ask his Auntie Jenny) Nathan is 20 months old, he is walking just fine, but just learning to run....
Family stories from PDX to BG to MV