The second of any month is a shared month-iversary for both boys, given that both were born on the second of their respective months. In this case, June meant a third birthday for Nathan and an 8 month milestone for Andrew. The month of June is a whirlwind with Nathan's birthday and the end of the school year for all of us, hence another late post and admittedly without much written content. My apologies! My morning commuting companion. Adding the final touches to his birthday cake. Cute cake and cute boys! Andrew loves yogurt! Celebrating his third birthday with Cousin JD. Andrew is on the go! He is now crawling everywhere he can get himself. Andrew has learned to transition from his belly to a seated position. "Eight months? Me?" Boarding our flight to Boise for Memorial Day. Nathan takes after his mother and actually reviews the safety literature. The boys will stay home with us for the months of July and Augus...
Family stories from PDX to BG to MV