Nathan just turned two, and with him turning two the expectations of speech have started mounting. Now Nathan has been communicating with words for quite some time. We decided to teach him at least a few ASL signs so that we could communicate with him without him just crying. All Done, Help, Please, are his go to signs that have served him quite well. Nathan also has been talking for quite a while. He started with Mama and Dada, and quickly picked up shoes and Bible. All Done is also one of his favorite phrases, but if you have spent anytime around Nathan you know that Uh Oh, is his favorite phrase. He uses it for just about anything, whether it happens on purpose or is an accident Nathan likes to say Uh Oh, quite loudly. Following closely behind is something that we've interpreted to be "What's that?". Over and over again, Nathan will point to things and say the words, which means over and over again, we are repeating the names of things and encour...