Thanksgiving In the hospital still in Husky gear. This has been an eventful holiday season so far with two trips to the emergency room. The first was a post Thanksgiving treat. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving up in Maple Valley. We spent it with Erin's dad, her family, and my sister (though we were a bit disappointed she didn't bring her latest beau). It was a nice holiday as usual. It was followed up on Friday by a trip for me and my dad to Husky Stadium to see the Dawgs win yet another Apple Cup. However, shortly after we arrived at home is when the "emergency" occurred. Erin's dad has a sizable yoga ball, and Erin and Nathan were playing with it rolling it back and forth and the like. Nathan figured out it was just the right size to plop down on and sort of bounce off. That turned out to be great fun until instead of landing on his feet or bouncing off the ball again, he took one bounce and landing chin first on the hardwood...
Family stories from PDX to BG to MV