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Showing posts from May, 2012

Backyard Makeover

 You might recognize these photos from a previous post about our backyard makeover taking place this year. On the Saturday before Mother's Day, in 85 degree weather, many hard working friends and family transformed our backyard fence from the ragged old thing you see at right and below.  On the eve of project day, Jeff enthusiastically demolished the old fence. It took maybe a couple kicks and it was down. No joke. Jeff literally pulled the old fence posts and cement from the ground. Dad arrived early Saturday morning and went through a few plans with Jeff before heading out for supplies.  Jennifer didn't want to miss out on the action and begged to dig some holes for the new arbor vitae needed to finish a row. What she didn't know was how big the holes needed to be. With every, "Is it big enough?", Jenn would seek consultations from my dad and our friend Todd.  We have spotted several of these horizontal fences around Portland and knew it was a d...

Eleven down, one to go!

 If there is one way to describe Nathan at eleven months, it is on the go! Which means we are too! He zips around the house, finding his way into cupboards, drawers and dusty corners.  Jeff and I finally took care of some baby proofing around the kitchen and bathroom. Be it a blessing or a curse, he can turn just about anything into a toy: coasters, shoes, socks, plastic food storage containers, you name it. As always, Nathan is a big hit at day care and the church nursery, smiling and independent. The ladies at both places often remark on his ability to entertain himself, not needing to be held constantly like other children. The director of Nathan's school made a point to stop me Friday morning to "commend" Jeff and I on how well Nate can feed himself, use a sippy cup and some of the other "big kid" behaviors. I have a feeling the director will move Nathan out of the infant classroom right around his birthday! Nathan is learning how to bounce a ball back ...