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Showing posts from July, 2011

As Families Expand so do. . .Cars?

Erin and I have always prided ourselves on our urban lifestyle.  We live "close in" in Portland.  We can get downtown in less than 15 minutes.  There are parks and restaurants within walking distance.  There is a bus line a block away.  We have this idea that we live our ideal urban lifestyle.      Yet somehow we are only mediocre at taking advantage of the great area in which we live.  We do go for walks quite often, and usually end up at one of the parks.  We occasionally walk to one of the great local restaurants, but just as frequently if not more frequently,  end up at a national chain to eat.  We only take the bus when forced, but it is nice to know it is available. Erin's Cobalt      In fact, Erin and I, unlike many of our friends, have always been a two car family.  We enjoy the freedom and flexibility having two reliable cars gives us.  We both drive cars with decent gas mileage, nothing g...

Tummy Time

Nathan spends a few minutes each day in tummy time. To be honest, I don't think he's crazy about it. I have found that propping him up on my Boppy pillow keeps him happy a little longer. Tummy time lets him practice lifting his head and strengthening his neck muscles although he spends more time moving his legs, which have nearly propelled him over the pillow face first. There is a lot of grunting and today he had the hiccups while on his tummy. You can see in the photo series that he starts out relatively indifferent, but then slowly shifts to annoyance. Eventually, he let his head fall to the pillow, then begin the leg kicking.

Nathan's First Wedding

One Month Old Saturday, July 2nd was Nathan's one month birthday. He is growing more each day and no longer wears the newborn diapers and most of his newborn clothes. We had a wedding to attend that day for a friend from work. It was the first Catholic wedding for Jeff and me so we arrived curious as to what might take place. Held at St. Mary's Cathedral in downtown Portland, the ceremony was much more formal than previous weddings we have attended. From the moment we arrived, I could tell it was different because all the men were in suits and the women in cocktail dresses (making me feel too casual in my skirt-shirt combo). It was a beautiful ceremony, the groom (our colleague) was beaming and the bride was beautiful. We felt honored to share in their day! Nathan endured the hour long ceremony quite well, only fussing a bit near the end. I did give him his first bottle during the ceremony, which he gulped down faster than I could believe. When preparing the bottle, I wa...

Our Little Noisemaker

Picture of Innocence: Who me? If you have spent time with Nathan, you might have noticed that he is constantly producing noises and squeaks, even in his sleep. Our first night in the hospital, I hardly slept enjoying the soft cooing sounds he made. As the weeks have passed, his soft coos have become louder and sometimes even sound like crying (we all have been fooled into thinking he is waking from a nap, only to find him fast asleep still). We love hearing him and are entertained during the day. At night, it can make it harder to fall asleep or stay asleep. Nathan's Auntie Jennifer has said repeatedly that we need to record his sound effects. I did so this morning as we hung out on the couch. Enjoy!