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Showing posts from March, 2011

March (Baby) Madness

In addition to preparing the baby's room (see previous post), we have been preparing ourselves for baby! Last week, we started our Childbirth Prep classes which will meet weekly for ten weeks, including sessions on Breastfeeding and Baby Care. It's nice to sit next to Jeff and know we are in this together and learning new things already. Yesterday, I had another OB appointment which was pretty typical. I have gained 20 pounds, which makes me nervous for the next three months. I asked the OB about the weight gain and she didn't seem concerned at all. She did remind me that right now, my little guy is gaining his weight so I should anticipate higher numbers on the scale. Yikes! My blood pressure was low, per usual (110/60), which is good. I had my glucose test as well, which meant drinking a beverage that tasted like flat orange soda, and was actually pretty good. An hour later, they drew my blood to see how my body is processing the sugar and if I am at risk of Gestational D...

A Room for Baby Davolt

As I mentioned in the previous post, March has been a busy baby month around the Davolt house! After a fun shopping trip to Ikea and choosing a color, Jeff and our friend Mike did a fabulous job of painting Baby Davolt's room. First is the "before" picture. Jeff started to move the guest bed out before I had taken a true before photo. Oh well. Jennifer is now enjoying a queen bed and matching dr esser in her room downstairs. We have moved a twin into the room we call the libr ary to create a daybed as our new guest room. So, we still have roo m for guests, but the sleeping gets a little cozier! Jeff sacrificed time watching the second round games of the basketball tournament to transform the guest room into a room for Baby Davolt. As we finished up moving furniture in, he commented that he may have spen t more time in the baby's room than watching basketball and perhaps he must be growing up (his statements, not mine)! I am certainly thankful for the time he dedi...

March Appt

Another boringly good appointment today. My blood pressure is low as usual (which the nurses always comment on). The doctor says everything is progressing as it should and doesn't seem to be worried about anything. As the previous post mentioned, I was to have my glucose test today but they rescheduled that for a little later in my pregnancy. My OB reminded me again that we should be interviewing pediatricians. She's recommended several that have small practices and even waiting lists. My goal is to make some initial phone calls by the end of next week. I've still been feeling pretty good and going to the gym 1-2 times a week. I bought a prenatal yoga DVD and tried it once, but it was a little slow and not nearly the workout from the yoga classes at the gym. It will help with stretching, etc. I guess. Q uestions you might be wondering: How far along am I? Today, I am 25 weeks and 4 days. How much weight have you gained? I'm up 18 pounds now. Belly button: In or out? I...