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Showing posts from February, 2011

February Appt

Another month has gone by and I feel like time is passing quicker each week! February started with the exciting news that our baby is a boy (see previous post). I arrived at work the next day to discover some dear colleagues had decorated my classroom with blue streamers and balloons and literally covered my desk in blue goodies! What a neat surprise! My students are all excited about baby's arrival and some ask almost weekly how much longer I'll be pregnant. One student asked how is was possible that I would have a baby in four months if I've only been pregnant for one month. I couldn't help but giggle as I explained that I may have told her a month ago, but I've known a little longer! I have felt Little Man moving for the last few weeks but the last few days, it feels more like true kicks. It's so reassuring to know he's busy in there reminding me that I've got busy days ahead of me too. The whole pregnancy is bec oming more real and more tangible each...

Baby BOY Davolt

Jeff and I went to the anatomy scan today, an appointment we were both anxious about. I am 20 weeks, 4 days today. We made sure the technician knew right away that we wanted to know the sex of the baby. Within moments, we were both quietly in awe of the images we were seeing on the screen. It's hard to believe how big our baby has become since the last scan! Right away the tech could tell our baby was sitting cross legged on my (very) full bladder. She took a few quick measurements, then was able to identify the sex: BOY! I think Jeff and I had both convinced ourselves it was a girl, so there was a moment of shock, but it was clear as day on the screen. As the tech continued, I started to feel a little nauseous and needed to breathe. The tech asked if I was okay, and I think I just started feeling a little overwhelmed at the sudden reality; we were not only having a baby, but a little boy. Fortunately, the feeling passed in a few moments. The nurse continued scanning and we saw eve...