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Showing posts from January, 2011

Let's Talk About Sex (of the Baby that is)

February 2nd is the day we will finally find out whether this little mango is a boy or a girl! Since we've both been anxious to find out lately, I've been reading about Old Wives' Tales that claim to predict the sex. So, while we wait a few more days for the answer, here are a few tales and the results. Read through and let me know what you think! Chinese Gender Predictor: Using my age and month of conception, the chart says to be over 90% accurate in predicting baby's gender. My result: GIRL The eye test is when a “V” or “branches” appear when you pull down the skin under your left eye. If you see a “V” or “branches” in the white part, you’re having a girl. If you see the "V" in the right eye if it's a boy. My result: Right eye = BOY If the baby’s heart rate is above 140 bpm, it is said that the baby will be a girl. If it is under 140 bpm, then it will be a boy. My result: At our last appointment, the heart rate was 155 bpm = GIRL When your face g...

January Appt

So this morning I rushed off to a monthly appointment, my first since "going public". Jeff decided not to go, since he describes these appointments as boring. I like to think of them as boringly good! As a result, there is not a whole lot to report. I am 17 weeks, 2 days today which means I'm in my last week of the fourth month. I have gained 6 pounds since the beginning of this pregnancy, which is a little hard to take. Having been the same weight since high school, this weight gaining thing is going to take some getting used to. One of my students described me as being "round in the middle and skinny everywhere else" (see today's photo for proof). I guess that doesn't sound so bad. I'm doing my best to remind myself that this is a necessary part of the process. My blood pressure was slightly elevated from normal, but the nurse said that could be a result of my rush to arrive in time. Altogether, nothing too much to worry about. I did mention to the...

Finally...a baby and a blog

Tada! Are you impressed by our blog? Probably not, but this will be the easiest way to provide updates on Baby Davolt's progress during this pregnancy and after he or she joins us. I plan to update after each appointment for all you fabulous family and friends whom I don't see each day (which is most of you). Many of you will recognize the picture at right, given that I posted it on Facebook and emailed to many of you. This is from our 12 week ultrasound. At the moment, I am just over 16 weeks and discovering my wardrobe options are narrowing. Today I wore a dress that I purchased last summer, and could hardly breathe most of the day. I guess it will have to stay in the closet until next summer...or fall. I went to a district meeting this evening and one of my colleagues asked if I was pregnant today, which was a first! Of course, my belly seems to come and go as today I had several colleagues comment that I'm not even showing. Oh well... I have my next monthly appointment...